Winter Bridal Bouquets

Silver Lining Lily Bouquet




As a winter bride, your choice of wedding aesthetic is going to be different to the more popular spring & summer wedding goers. After all, there may even be a chance of snow on your big day. We chose our Silver Lining Lily bouquet as this is a truly impressive arrangement, complimented with avalanche & spray roses, gerbera & lisianthus blooms among a mass of foliage. Lilies are a fabulous, classic choice when it comes to bouquets, and we feel this is perfect for a winter bride.


Antique Blush Rose and Herb Bouquet & Rose Garden Promise Luxury Bouquet




These next two bouquets go hand in hand, and are a delicate choice for a winter bridal bouquet. The exquisite scented rosemary nestle among gorgeous garden roses in shades of delicate pink & antique white for this truly stunning vintage inspired hand-tied bouquet. The most beautiful of white garden roses and white blooms inspired this wonderful luxury bouquet designed by our in-house design team and is an exclusive design. Our couture bouquet of dramatic avalanche white roses sprinkled with delicate spray roses and luxury eustoma, making it an unforgettable bridal bouquet choice.


Buttermilk Luxury Rose Knot




Our Buttermilk Rose Knot bouquet is one that will upstage any falling snow outside. This beautiful hand-made knot of delicate garden roses in soft buttermilk and ivory intertwined with gorgeous trailing Ivy. This understated bloom only posy creates an unforgettable flower gift, but always designed with brides in mind.


White Lily Garden Bouquet




Lastly, we have chosen another lily themed winter bridal bouquet. The most beautiful of white garden flowers and foliage inspired this wonderful fragrant luxury bouquet designed by our in-house design team and is an exclusive design. Our couture bouquet of dramatic scented white lilies sprinkled with delicate spray roses and luxury avalanche roses makes for an unforgettable bridal bouquet.


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