Mother’s Day 2019

Garden Path Flower Bouquet



For this years Mother’s Day Edit, we’ve decided it’s mum’s year to be well and truly treated. We’ve put together some of our most elegant, hand crafted bouquets designed with mum in mind. Our first pick is our brightly coloured Garden Path floral arrangement. This mixed bloom bouquet is inspired by our florist’s  childhood memories of gardens filled with wonderful vibrant varieties. Roses, daisies, gerbera and lisianthus are the main features of this design, and makes for a really unforgettable Mother’s Day gift.

This is an utterly unique bouquet with a wonderful selection of flower varieties that require a special order, please give us a minimum of 48hrs prior to your chosen delivery date.


Blue Sky & White Cloud Summer Bouquet



For mum’s who adore the summer season (even though it’s spring!), our Blue Sky and White Cloud Summer bouquet is a gorgeous statement arrangement as a Mother’s Day gift. Inspired by our English summer days with wispy clouds and blue skies this is a dramatic hand-tied bouquet crammed full of striking blue hydrangeas, wild dille, spray roses and parvi, culminating in a floral frenzy of seasonal colours. It’s a personal favourite with our florists!


Luxury Red Rose Garden Promise



If you are looking for a more traditional gift this Mother’s Day, then a classic bouquet filled with roses never misses the mark! Fragrant garden full bloom roses nestled among scented herbs make up this truly striking red rose bouquet feeling as if just picked fresh from the garden and creating an unforgettable gift for mum this year.


Faux White Cyclamen Hand Potted In Terracotta Pot



For an alternative Mother’s Day gift this year, this stunning faux white cyclamen substitute will make a realistic & long lasting surrogate. This little plant fooled the florist with its amazingly realistic features. Although artificial, this plant will make a wonderful statement  in this rustic, hand-potted mossed terracotta pot. This pretty faux cyclamen has delicate white features with signature deep green leaves, so realistic you’ll find it hard to believe it’s not a living plant, with each weighty pot including realistic moss covered soil.



Fresh Luxury Orchid Arrangement



Finally, we chose our fresh living Orchid as our statement gift pick for this year. Orchids are timeless and can be kept through generations if cared for properly. These stunning seven deluxe Phalaenopsis orchid plants feature multiple Orchid flower heads have been hand potted in this striking willow basket, making an absolutely unforgettable gift for mum.


This product is for local delivery or collection only please contact us on 01628 477990 for further information or via help desk.


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