Bouquets for January Blues


Scents Of Spring Flower Bouquet



With the days getting shorter and the nights getting longer, it’s natural around this time of year to feel even just a hint of the January blues. We think the trick to beating to the blues is to bring blue blooms into your life this January. Keeping bouquets and house plants has actually been proven to boost your mood and over-all mental health, especially during the darker months. So we decided these gorgeous blue hyacinths are a good place to start in beating the blues. They stand out in this stunning arrangement, the scent is as beautiful as the blooms. Delicate white narcissi interspersed with pretty spray roses finish this creation perfectly and make this an ideal mood-boosting bouquet.


Rise & Shine Hydrangea Bunch



Starting your day off right can have a huge impact on how you continue your day. These wonderful deep plum blooms and wild opulence are definitely a morning kick-starter to uplift you. This striking artificial wild country garden style faux flower arrangement will be hand-made to order by our talented florists into a unique statement bouquet. Deep purple chrysanthemum’s interspersed with realistic eucalyptus and purple bay creating an arrangement that will stand out in any room.


Blue Sky Days Bouquet



If the sky isn’t a radiant shade of blue on a mid-January day, it’s usually expected.  So brighten up your house instead – this exclusive design full of Jewel-like blue hydrangeas is complimented by sunshine yellow roses and striking purple eustoma. Our couture bouquet consists of dramatic blue blooms sprinkled with a mass of yellow, orange and red roses for a truly dramatic arrangement and is sure to compensate for a cloudy day.


Gardener’s Spring Hyacinth & Narcissi Posy




Our final two potted bouquets are perfect for a kitchen window or a Exclusive spring flower posy of hyacinths and narcissus complete with a pretty vintage style galvanised bucket personally prepared by our in-house florist team and delivered in our exclusive flower box.


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